About FAIR

The History of FAIR

The Federation of Agents and International Representatives was created in 1973 by a courageous group of International Representatives of the United Food and Commercial Workers Union.

Their desire to improve their employment conditions and provide employment stability joined them together to create what was originally called the IRA (International Representatives Association).

As these new members of the IRA traveled throughout the country, they encountered local union staff who wanted the benefits of a staff union.

The organizing of local union representatives, organizers, and office staff began. This facilitated a change in the name of the organization to more accurately reflect who the Union represented. The Federation of Agents and International Representatives was born. FAIR's principles are simple:

  • To unite those persons employed within our jurisdiction
  • To cultivate friendship and concern for each other
  • To bridge the geographical gaps between its members through regular communications
  • To advance their economic and social interests
  • To improve their employment conditions and provide employment stability
  • To extend and defend their civil rights and liberties
  • To establish peaceful and harmonious relations between its members and their employers
  • To work toward extending the process of Collective Bargaining throughout all trades and industries
  • To strive for the betterment of all who labor


Find out more about how your workplace can be represented by FAIR by contacting a FAIR Representative today!

Contact Us

Who to Call?

For questions regarding your contract or possible grievances, first contact your Steward.

If you're not sure who your Steward is or you still have questions, please see the list of Regional Vice Presidents linked below. Your Regional Vice President, who has a direct line to the Executive Committee should the need arise.

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